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gain adjustment中文是什么意思

用"gain adjustment"造句"gain adjustment"怎么读"gain adjustment" in a sentence


  • 增益调整
  • 增益控制


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  • Research for improving speed governing performance of electronic - controlled diesel engine by intelligent gain adjustment
  • Pc operating software on teco servo with chinese regular font chinese simple font english version on teco servo for parameter read write , gain adjustment , status indication and digital scope simulating for monitoring internal signals through rs - 232 interface
    Pc操作软件- teco servo繁体简体英文语系版本,透过rs - 232接口,读写参数增益调整状态表示及仿真数字式示波器进行内部信号图形监控
  • Through studying the meaning of the unacknowledged financing income and amortization question , the author has put forward the meaning of the unacknowledged financing income . the chapter has explained that the author regains the treatment view of the rent in exceeding the time limit : the lessee should have gone on to trace back to adjust the rent in exceeding the time limit through " the loss and gain adjustment in previous year " subject in case that the profits should be handled artif
用"gain adjustment"造句  
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